The Moleskine

My Moleskine accompanies me everywhere, for the purpose of catching those elusive thoughts that bombard one’s consciousness and may or may not be worthy of elaboration. I have shared these musings on this blog, From the Moleskine, each week for many years. The headings: Dokusan, In the Courtyard and The Carriage Lamp are also updated weekly. For the weekly poem in The Carriage Lamp click on Read more. My books in publication include "Conjuring Archangel," and a biography of Jeremy Brett, "More Than an Actor: The Story of Peter H." The third and most recent is a collection of essays entitled Ruminata, "The Sexual Theory of Everything" and Other Apostasies. Upon its publication in 2022, I established an author website at W. Grey Champion dot com, describing the books and including this blog. The table of contents for Ruminata is below under Pages.

If you wish to receive weekly headlines from the blog, or to request a sample essay, contact me by email:

Ruminata: Table of Contents


The Sexual Theory of Everything

Defining Life Itself..............................

On Buddhism

A Personal Essay................................

Decline and Fall

The Tribal Mindset..........................


Know the Dog................................

Marriage and Children

Bait and Switch...........................


As You Like It...........................


But Is It Art?............................

The Piano Teacher

A Humble Account

The Reign of Sport

Bread and Circuses...................

Appearance and Reality

If the Shoe Fits.........................


The Culture of Gifts.................


A Modest Proposal..................


The Tower of Babel.................


You Can't Get From Here.........

Just Call Me Alice

Through the Looking Glass.......


What You Were Never Told.....

Death and Euthanasia

A Third Way............................

The Phases of Life

What's It All About?.................

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